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46th Annual Vancouver Lawn Masters Indoor Tennis Championships

April 4-13, 2025

Tournament Director: 
Suzanne Brenton  ([email protected])

Tournament Referee: 
Ika Setyawati (i[email protected]

Club Contact: 
Heather Nivison, Athletics Director


The Vancouver Lawn Masters Tennis Championships is sanctioned by the International Tennis Federation as a 700-series event. The tournament draws the best seniors players from across BC and beyond with 300+ participants.

Important Info

Players may enter a maximum of 2 events: 1 singles + 1 doubles or 2 doubles.

April 4th-8th age categories 30-50
April 9th-13th age categories 55-85.

New for 2025

Draw sizes are limited to 24 for singles and 16 for doubles.
Acceptance is NOT first come first served. It is based on the ITF Regulations and in general, it is based on: 
  • ITF rankings 
  • WTN (World Tennis Number)
There are NO consolation rounds due to limited court time. The final acceptance list will be posted once entries close.

Tournament Entry

Read the Fact Sheet here.
Please enter here using your IPIN account. Players are required to pay $10USD for their annual IPIN renewal at the time of entry.

Entering 2 Doubles Events
You may only enter 1 doubles event through the IPIN site. Please email [email protected] to submit your second doubles entry and include the following information:
  • MT700 Vancouver
  • Your name and IPIN 
  • Your partnern's name and IPIN
  • Age category you are entering
 Note that the ITF office is located in the UK and responses may be delayed due to the time difference.


Draws & Schedule

  • Weekday matches will start at 1pm but we will be playing the older age groups in those time slots.
  • Younger age groups will be playing after those matches are finished.
  • Play will be from 9am-10pm on Saturdays and Sundays.

Entry Fee

Player gift and food and beverage voucher are included. Entry fees are due at the time of registration. A 20% administration fee will apply for late payments.

Please choose the correct entry fee from the drop-down list.

Vancouver Lawn Club Rules

  • Talking on cell phones inside the Club is not allowed. Please turn mobile devices off or to silent before entering. Text/email is okay. No audio!
  • VLTBC has a strict white court attire policy. Each article of visible clothing including hats, visors, headbands, socks, shorts, shirts, and warm-up clothing must be predominantly white. No more than 10% color on each visible item. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS. Non-marking court shoes with colour and athletic braces are allowed.


  • Spectators are welcome but must sign in at Member Services upon entering the Club.
  • Note that there is no specator space inside our Tennis bubble and court placement is determined based on schedule, Club Member matches, and Tournament Referee and Tournamend Director input.


  • Club Members Only in the front, covered, and underground parking lots (accessed off of Fir Street).
  • Street parking is available. Street parking before 7pm on weekdays is extremely limited. Please watch for restrictions.
  • ​Guests may park in the rooftop parking lot accessed off of Fir Street at 16th Ave.
  • All guests must enter through the Front Entrance accessed off of Fir Street at 15th Avenue.
  • If you park in our roof top lot, please register your license plate with Member Services upon arrival.

Practice Courts & Club Facilities

Practice courts are NOT available. Tournament players may use the locker rooms and Fitness Annex area for warm up but are not permitted to use any other Club facilities including the pool, hot tub, or courts outside of tournament play unless they have a valid reciprocal member card.

Food & Beverage

Outside food and beverage is not permitted. Non-Members may purchase food and beverage at the Club using debit or credit card (no AMEX). We do not accept cash anywhere in the Club. 




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